The LEAP tools are a living set of resources and guides to help oikos students, alumni, partners and friends of oikos on the journey to conscious leadership.
It supports you to practice conscious leadership and develop yourself and your community in the areas of:
This website has been design for you to develop your own conscious leadership journey. We invite you to go through it with a curious mind and invite you to reach out from the moment you have any question!
Have you already done such a journey ? No? Then we warmly welcome you here, wish you a wonderful discovery & great learnings !
LEAP is oikos transformational leadership programme focusing on building capacity in the oikos community (internal and external) with the necessary competencies, qualities, practices, tools and global network to become conscious leaders in the co-creation of thriving and sustainable societies. The main objectives of the LEAP program are:
to equip participants with capacity in key aspects of conscious leadership with a focus on personal development and transformative change for sustainability.
to empower and inspire the participants to act as conscious leaders, expanding their learnings and impact ββin the different communities and organizations they are part of with initiatives connected to conscious leadership, sustainability, and systems change (i.e. transforming education).
to equip participants with capacity for personal care/wellbeing and resilience in leadership.
to form a global network of conscious leaders and a community of support based on connection, trust and belonging within LEAP & oikos (formed by facilitators, coaches, programme developers, LEAPERs alumni, partners, volunteers, etc.).
Take a glimpse by watching this aftermovie of the LEAP onsite meeting in Leysin, Switzerland:
This is the ultimate 5-steps Guide that helps you to set up your own leadership journey with your community. It contains examples of how people have implemented in their contexts (e.g. workplace, chapters, with friends and family) and a step-by-step tutorial. Now you only need to adapt it to your environment and participants' needs.
We would like to hear what you think of this platform, how we can improve and update it through time. Please, share your feedback and other doubts at with the title "LEAP tools feedback/doubts" or post it in our discord server/LEAP Tools channel.
Thank you!
The LEAP is a journey, but you are not alone. Get in contact with the LEAP community of practice composed of LEAP alumni and coaches to find a LEAPer that supports you. Check the page "get a coach" to find someone with relevant experience to you.
Check the page "get a coach" page to find someone with relevant experience to you. You can also contact us through