Tent 4: Our place in a changing system
What is my role in the process of transformation?
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What is my role in the process of transformation?
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Now, where to start contributing to systems change? What is our role and how can we have an impact? In order to make change happen we have to change ourselves: We have to grow our capacities to navigate all the different relationships in our lives and we have to get equipped with competencies that help us on the journey towards addressing the sustainability challenges out there in the world.
Let's take our hiking metaphor: All long hikes require you to stay aware of your context, to sense and respond and adjust your destination as you go. One example: a storm is coming & you will have to adapt your route on the spot. Where to go? Who decides?
In tent 4, you will find space to reflect on all of these questions while exploring and developing different roles and capacities that will help you make a change in society happen. PS: oikos is a place to practice those competencies & start right away ;)
explored different roles in societal transformation processes,
dived into competencies & capacities that proof helpful on the way
a deepened understanding of your Leadership
learned how oikos is a place to develop your competencies
Roles in a changing system
The two loop model shows a dominant system that is working well for some, but is in decline.
And an emergent system, which is gaining influence. This is the system we have a beautiful opportunity to imagine and create.
When the dominant system reaches its peak, alternatives arise. Pockets of possibility. 'Pioneers'.
To stimulate change:
Name the pioneers
Connect them together
Nourish them, with time, connection and resources
Illuminate their work, or stories of change
When groups of pioneers form networks and communities of practice, they build relationships. Between them, they create new knowledge, ideas and practices. 'Local actions can emerge as a powerful system'.
When they share stories about this change, others have the confidence to join. The networks grow. A new system can emerge.
Within and beyond the pioneers, many roles, strengths and skillsets are actually needed to facilitate change. You can read more about these roles in organizational and societal change in the tabs above.
Do not try to save the whole world or do anything grandiose. Instead, create a clearing in the dense forest of your life and wait there patiently, until the song that is your life falls into your own cupped hands and you recognize and greet it. Only then will you know how to give yourself to this world so worthy of rescue.
by Martha Postlethwaite
What Leadership is needed? Competencies for navigating change & a complex world
Let's include our whole bodies in this exploration and take you onto a real hike: venture out on a hike with friends. Exchange all together on the different roles you'll take before leaving. How do you navigate the journey? What else do you need to start moving? (+-2h)
When hiking you might cross a playground. Go ahead & use the slide. While sliding imagine you're rushing down from one loop into another. What thoughts are forming as you do so?
Let's slide into the reflection ;) Think of one system you are a part of. Map out developments you observe along the 2 loops. (15 min)
Where do you see yourself contributing to change? And why? Where on the 2 loops do you feel most comfortable / where is your heart beating faster? Reflect on your role and competencies. What are some strengths/skills/habits you have that you could connect with your Berkana role? Jump on the Miro board, grab a circle and locate it on the model where you see yourself most effective. (30 min)
Jump on Discord and join #tent4 to discuss about oikos' role in the change. What role in oikos are you taking to contribute?This can also be a wonderful real-time group conversation with your chapter (or similar) (10 min)
BONUS: Have you ever done some kind of strengths/personality test? If not take one, and reflect on how your strengths can drive system change. One of our recommendations would be this free 16 Personalities Test or, if you have money to spare, the CliftonStrengths Assessment.
After working through this tent, you will have..
Let us first dive into the question of where to contribute to systems change. The Berkana Two Loops Model (14:25) is a great concept to understand the different intervention points - and that you don't have to do it all yourself. We need people to collaborate at many points of the change cycle are needed.
The question of Our Role in Creating Change (5 min) is one that has moved humanity for as long as we exist. Read the author's reflections, have a look at the poem below & observe what is coming up for yourself.
Let's get equipped with competencies that can help us in stepping into the roles we explored above. Several scientific frameworks recently have focused on the question of what skills will be needed to address the sustainability challenge: sustainability skills (1:41 min). Let's explore the topic & start with another metaphor!
The idea of riding a bike (3 min)can help us see some of the qualities we need to navigate a complex world. How does the example resonate with you? Where in your life do you experience this, where do you want to invite more sensing & responding?
Driven by the ideas of inner development for outer development, a wide field of practitioners has been developing the Inner Development Goals (5:19 min)as leverage for humanity to achieve the SDGs. Check out the 5 categories & reflect on your strengths. Where do you want to grow further?
And yet another perspective: How do we have to set up policies to influence behavioural change? >> Foundations for Behavioural Change(5:00 min)