Taking Decisions as a Community
The Legislative Assembly, Legislative Meetings & the oikos Constitution
Being an association, and the chapters being the members, we have certain processes and decisions that need to be addressed in a rather formal way. This is done through the Legislative Assembly, composed of all chapters eligible to vote (full chapters). In general, the Board as a leading body of the organization (see chapter 4 of the constitution) is responsible for organizing the Legislative Meeting, the gathering of the Legislative Assembly, which usually happens twice a year. Preparations usually require 1-2 months and depend on the amount of voting items. The team that is in charge of the preparations of the Legislative Meeting usually consists of the co-president (most often the Chair of the meeting), and the VP of Legal Matters and/or other volunteers stepping into several different roles.
Find all details around the Legislative Assembly and legislative meetings in our Constitution (Article 8). Whereas this official document outlines the legally binding elements, there is no deeper insight into the process and the roles, as well as the opportunity this process brings to the community. In this document, you will find the responsible parties for organizing, facilitating and managing a smooth process of decision making. In comparison, the Legislative Assembly field guide elaborates what has to be done and how, so that decisions taken by the Legislative Assembly are legally binding.
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