Team Structure
Our team structure shows who and what the oikos International team is.
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Our team structure shows who and what the oikos International team is.
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The oikos International team is a very colorful, international group of people that comes together to support the oikos community in multiple ways. The oikos International team includes all volunteers and employees that follow a commitment for oikos International. Their commitments differ concerning time and width of involvement. Find the current team members here. Learn more about how we coordinate and focus on human relations here.
Recently, we have spent a lot of time reflecting on our team structure. Coming up with a one that represents how we relate and interact with each other is important, because it helps us to increase our collective awareness and collaborate even more meaningfully. Inspired by theories of self-organizing such as Holacracy, Sociocracy and Reinventing Organizations, we co-created the following team structure:
This might not look quite like the pyramidal shapes you are used to. In our organization chart, you see differently sized & coloured circles that can serve us as a map as to how the oikos International Team works and relates.
The circles you see in our diagram encompass sets of roles that belong to each other. Roles are formed out of a set of tasks that go together (see more in How We Work Together). By owning a role in a circle, a person becomes a member of the circle (in this sense, a circle is kind of like a team). We use several colors in our diagram to indicate different kinds of roles within these circles. If you are wondering what this structure implies for our everyday work, check out our user guide!