4. LEAP Topics

To simplify, we have divided our toolkit in two different categories: 1. Self Leadership, for topics related to the individual as self awareness; self management and responsible decision-making and 2. Team/Collective Leadership, for topics connected to developing a community as social awareness, relationship skills and community engagement.

Select your topics

To simplify, we have divided our toolkit in two different categories: 1. Self Leadership, for topics related to the individual as self awareness; self management and responsible decision-making and 2. Team Leadership, for topics connected to developing a community as social awareness, relationship skills and community engagement.

On the page left bar, click on the category name to access the desired topic page. Each page contains a ready to use workshop about that topic and extra resources as articles, webinars, practices.

Space for chatting and meeting online ?

Host your meetings and online workshops using the oikos International zoom room(s). There are plenty of breakout waiting for you ! Accessible 24/7!

Join the oikos zoom room(s)

Accessible 24/7 without password & lots of breakout available during working hours.

If you need separate room for yourself, please book a free zoom room here.

Join the oikos Commuity Discord !

Get here in touch with the intenal communications channels of the whole oikos commmunity.

Connect to the LEAP practitioners network (Get a coach)

Click below or on your left to see the map with the different coaches !

5. Get a coach

Last updated