Community Google Calendar

Stay up to date with all events by and for the oikos community!

WHAT can you find in the calendar?

  • Events and activities of ALL chapters that are open to the whole oikos community or, at least a specific region

  • Events hosted by oikos International (e.g. webinars, oikos AGORAs, international initiatives, onsite community meetings and conferences)

Make sure to feature your bigger events in the calendar so that the whole community can stay up to date with your projects and engage! How? Just follow the instructions below:

HOW to add an event - details for orientation

When creating an event on Google Calendar, select your time slot and a pop up window will appear.

1. / Add a Title

When creating an event on Google Calendar, you have the opportunity to name the event. Go for “Title of the event - organizer” as a structure to inform people what the event is about & who will host it (eg.: “FutureLab X - oikos International”, “Green Co, - oikos Bxl”)

2. / Choose time and date

Here you can also select if it is a recurring or cyclical event

3. / Add oikos community calendar & guests

Add all email addresses of the people you want to invite, including This way, the event will later pop up in the community calendar!

4. / Add location

Indicate the location of your event in the field called “location”. You might want to include further details in the details part. If your event will be hosted online, add the link or specify where people will find it. If there is a link for applications, put the link in the description field!

5. / Event description

This template helps you to not miss anything in the event description.

Event description template

Event: What’s the topic & agenda? In a few sentences, summarize your event. Add the link to your Facebook/LinkedIn event, your website, the application form or any further information

Audience: Who is invited to attend? Is it a closed audience or open to anyone? Any targeted audience (e.g. oikos Community, program participants, alumni etc.). If the event is closed, tell participants about where they can find the zoom link.

Type: Is the event a stand-alone event or is it part of a series?

Contact IT team via this form in case you have any questions or hiccups on the way!

Last updated