How to do a chapter check-in
Context: The Chapter Pathways Initiative accompanies oikos chapters on their journeys of making a difference in their local context throughout the university year. Chapter check-ins are one element among others of this initiative.
What are Chapter Check-Ins?
Chapter check-ins are 1:1 calls between an oikos International member (usually board member) and a representative of a chapter (could also be 2 or more representatives). Most of the time, it will be the chapter's president. They shouldn't take longer than 60 min and happen at least twice a year. If needed, check-in calls can happen more often.
Purpose of Chapter Check-Ins
Chapter Check-Ins have four main purposes:
They help us to listen to the diverse needs of the chapters and feed them back to the oikos International team.
They are a chance to keep an active & regular connection to each chapter by personally connecting to them.
They enable board members to get to know the diversity of chapters and form connections beyond their home chapters (board members = representatives of the oikos community, so they should know what is going on)
They are an additional communication channel for oikos International to pass on important information.
Process - How does it work?
Getting in touch
Each Board Member gets assigned a handful of chapters to be the contact person for. You can find the chapter distribution on Airtable (Base: "Chapter Database" > Table "Chapter Overview" > View "Chapter distribution").
The Airtable will provide them with the most important information of each chapter. Ideally, the two columns "Current MAIN chapter contact" and "Last oI people in touch" will let you know who do contact from oI and chapter side.
Ideally, the last person in touch from oikos International will introduce the board member to the current chapter contact. If this didn't/couldn't happen, the new board member in charge will have to try the contact details of the current chapter representatives. If there is no recent chapter representative/personal contact details, the board member will have to try reaching the chapter via official communication channels (email, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook).
You can use these templates for your communication. Feel free to also adapt them or create your own and then add it to the document.
Preparing a chapter check-in
Check out previous chapter check-in notes (old till Fall 2023, new since spring 2024 found on Airtable)
Check out the Airtable Form we have to record your check-in notes. Ideally fill in the "basic information" part just before you start the call.
Optional: Check out other information available to you e.g. via social media
Optional: Reach out to the person from oI that has been in touch with the chapter last to gain more insights
How to do/structure a chapter check-in
Basically, the check-in call is meant for connection & information exchange. It is one of the rare chances to get a busy chapter member on a 1:1 call, so use the chance to have fun and build a relationship. You don't want the call to be like an interview, neither should it be you taking up a lot of space and time bombarding them with information. With practice, you will learn what is relevant to the conversation at the time.
Use this Airtable form to take notes and record responses from the chapter representative during the call. You don't have to use it in a stiff way and there can be conversations around what is mentioned in the form. The form is simply for us to keep track of what is happening in the chapters.
Here's how a first check-in can look like:
Check-In (5-10 min): If it's the first call you have with them, try to get to know them personally! Ask them questions like: What's your background? How did you end up in oikos? What are your values? What excites you (about your studies/oikos)? Even if it is not your first call with them, take time for a check-in. What is happening in their (uni) life right now? What has changed since you last spoke?
Frame the call (1 min): Share with them about the purposes (see above) on why we are doing this. Let them know that you will take notes on some of the things they share. Emphasize that this is still a safe space, so in case they share something confidential or personal, you will not note it down.
Get to know them and their chapter (10-15 min): Ask them about their activities and record their responses in the Airtable form ( in "Chapter activities, impact & overview")
Use the Check-In Questions (15-25 min) in the form to learn about
Future Ambitions
International connectedness
Their needs & questions
Make it a conversation, not an interview!
Share about things happening on the oikos International level (5-10 min), any upcoming events & opportunities and resources that could be relevant for them!
Check-Out (2 min): Ask them how they are leaving, how they liked the call etc. or a creative check-out question if you want ;)
Don't forget to click submit at the end of the form!
What happens after the call?
Write a follow-up mail: Follow up on questions they have asked and couldn't answer during the call. Send them more information about the upcoming events and resources.
Update Airtable Database with new contact information of the chapter members or anything else relevant
Bring your learnings to the next board/community call
Last updated
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