
This guide is meant to facilitate and clarify the steps that need to be taken by the recruiters and the rest of the team, once a new team member is recruited.

Why are you asked to do this? Just because the onboarding process is mainly handled by the People Development team, that does not mean that you have nothing to do with it anymore! The HR Manager does not know specific documents or tools the person may use in their new position, or when the circle (ie the TE or LEAP team) has their meetings etc.

⇒ For some of those things, you are the most knowledgeable!

⇒ You will need to onboard the new recruit to their position specificities!

Step 1

Once you have selected the final candidate, and if they have accepted to join us and work with us, immediately send them your welcome email (see template) with IT and HR in CC. It should include the Personal Data Form, and urge them to fill it in right when they receive the email.

Step 2

After two days, if the new team member hasn’t shared with you that they filled in their onboarding, please send them a reminder to fill it in, a lot hinges on this step.

Step 3

Now that the onboardee has filled in the form, their email address will be created and made accessible to them. It will also be added to the relevant Shared Drives and mailing groups.

Step 4

Their contract will also be created and sent to them for signing, after which they need to send the contract back for one of the co-presidents to sign. (And return the fully signed version).

Step 5

Together with the contract, a few time slots should be sent for the newbie to have a little call about their onboarding with the People Development team, who will share the self-organized onboarding game on miro.

The onboarding is crucial for the new recruit’s best integration in the team and in oikos, so please give them a week (or more) to do their onboarding (both the general onboarding with HR people and their specific position onboarding with you).

Last updated