ALL OF OIKOS- Decisions that require the whole oikos community

Which decisions:

Decisions on..

  • Topics with an impact on the whole community oikos’ shape & future directions, with long-term impact on the future of the organization

  • Governance-related topics (need for community involvement acc. to constitution, Legislative Assembly decisions)

Who decides: The whole oikos community, based on consent, carried out by clearly appointed individuals or everyone. Sometimes, the decision requires a legislative meeting & official vote

Who’s involved: A decision facilitator (team) from oikos International & anyone who is consulted for advice. Advice is needed from all parties directly affected & persons with expertise in the field

1. Identifying the need for a decision (see process in Basics for decision making)

2. Preparing for a decision (see process in Basics for decision making)

3. Community Involvement: In a clear post outlining the critical issue & the proposal (eg. via email & oikosmos), the community is asked to give their feedback. It is important to stress the early stage of the involvement, give a deadline for the feedback and relate it to the specific context. At the same time, an invitation to be part of the decision in either a focus call or the legislative meeting is sent out. The post should be sent min. 5 days before a meeting is scheduled.

3. Taking a Decision

a) through consent in a focus call (see process in Basics for decision making) OR b) Vote- Legislative Meeting Decisions: According to the constitution, some decisions need a vote of the legislative meeting. The legal matters circle regulates the process of these meetings. It is also helpful to adopt several steps from the consent-based process for these matters.

Last updated

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