How to host oikos AGORA meetings

The oikos AGORA is our virtual community central square. Every week the community gathers - hosted by oI, houses, chapters and squads. Learn here about the basics of hosting agora meetings

What's the oikos AGORA?

The oikos AGORA is the central square where our community gathers. Every week, oikees from around the world come out of their chapters & houses to join in the center. We get together and do what we do best: being ourselves, sharing our stories, and learning about each other & our impact in the world. We decided to restructure our community encounters, make them shorter & more regular with a weekly rhythm. We will have longer & shorter, more accesible touch points with our community every week. There will be different time slots allocated to different hosts (eg. chapters, houses, squads)

Host an AGORA as an oI initiative!

As an initiative, you have the chance to host either

  • a 1h workshop every first Tuesday of the month at 2pm CE(S)T

  • a 15-30 min short session every fourth Tuesday of the month at 9am, 2pm or 7pm CE(S)T.

If every initiative offers something & enters into this practice, this would mean that it is your turn max once or twice every half a year.

To share the feel of our initiatives with the community, and to get to know the community as an initiative

Need any support?

Contact Francois Bernier!

Last updated